Benvenuti all’Agritusimo

A unique view

«I could have been in Verona tonight but there was still a magnificent vision of nature nearby that I did not want to miss - the delicious spectacle of Lake Garda - and I was amply rewarded for my detour.» 
" Italian Journey" by Goethe

how to reach us...


Agriturismo Costadoro offers its guests several places to relax like the well-kept garden where you can relax reading a book under our olive groves, entertainment with other guests, or just enjoy the peace and quiet that reigns in this place immersed in nature.

our services...

Special Accomodation

Agriturismo Costadoro offers its customers comfortable and furnished rooms with a splendid panoramic view of Lake Garda or the beautiful hill landscape. In addition to the 10 standard rooms are still available 2 nice apartments.

discover our rooms and appartments…

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